Max S. Sverdlove, LLC has a policy of using secure communications in order to make reasonable efforts to prevent the inadvertent or unauthorized disclosure of, or unauthorized access to, information relating to the representation of our clients.
The inherent nature of email makes it an insecure path for communication. The firm, therefore, utilizes the services of Virtru Corporation to provide secure and encrypted emails.
For a technical explanation of how the service makes an email secure, you can read more about the technology on Virtru’s website.
Virtru emails are very simple to use in comparison to most encrypted email systems. And, best of all, does not require installation of software or logging into a web portal to do so. It simply requires the validation of your email by clicking on a link, which opens in your default web browser.
Virtru does provide software solutions for Gmail/G Suite, Outlook.com, and for the Microsoft Outlook desktop application. You can obtain this software here: https://www.virtru.com/install/